Vision, Mission and Objectives

11 Jun 2024 16:00:27


To create quality and value oriented professional education in nursing discipline so as to prepare globally competent nurses and to contribute significantly in supporting health care, health management and resilient society.


To create globally competent nurses and midwives to become exemplary citizens by adhering to code of ethics and professional conduct at all times in fulfilling personal, social and professional obligations.


A Nursing graduate shall acquire the following during the period of training:

A. Knowledge

  1. Adequate knowledge of basic and scientific foundations on which the nursing science is based, and comprehensive understanding on relevant principles, scientific methods, and be able to evaluate and analyze rationally on established facts and information.

  2. Adequate knowledge of development, structure and functions of human body, both in health and disease, and their relationship and effect on health in line with various dimensions of wellbeing of patient.

  3. Adequate knowledge of clinical specialties and methods which provide a lucid picture of diseases and anomalies related with human body, and its preventive, promotive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.

  4. Adequate knowledge of biological function and behavior of persons in health and illness as well as the influence of natural and social environment on health.
  5. Adequate knowledge and understanding of clinical competence that is required for nursing practice.

B. Skill

A Nursing graduate shall be able to demonstrate following skills required in clinical practice:

  1. Able to identify, assist and manage common health problems faced in nursing practice, by keeping in mind the values and rights of patients, and society to receive the best possible care available.
  2. Acquire the skills to prevent and manage the complications (if any) aptly while performing the nursing procedures at basic and critical care areas.

  3. Possess competence to carry out the nursing procedures and ability to interpret the laboratory findings.

  4. Acquire skills to promote awareness of health and prevention of diseases which is necessary to maintain the wellbeing of individual.

  5. Competent in assisting any advanced medical procedures and the emergencies and able to relieve pain and suffering and anxiety among patients during hospital stay.

  6. Demonstrate skills in professional behavior, interpersonal relationship and therapeutic communication.

  7. Demonstrate leadership qualities and decision making abilities in various situations.

C. Attitude

A Nursing graduate shall develop following attitude during the training period:

  1. Ready to apply the current and relevant knowledge of nursing in the best interest of patients and the community.

  2. Willing to practice ethical values and principles of nursing in personal and professional life.

  3. Seek to improve awareness, enhance competence and provide possible solutions for health problems and needs of the community.

  4. Willing to participate in Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) programs, and acquire skill in new techniques and research driven knowledge to manage the patients appropriately.

  5. Prepared to participate actively and voluntarily in and support implementation of government policies, schemes, programs etc. related to health and illness.

  6. Eveready to offer nursing knowledge and skills acquired during training as a service to society and nation during the periods of natural calamities or emergencies.

  7. Participate in research activities and utilize research findings in improving nursing practice on scientific and evidenced based one.

With these objectives, Bhonsala Institute of Nursing strives to:

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